AUTO-Scan™ Pro for e-Imagedata ScanPro Microfilm Scanners
AUTO-Scan Pro is desktop, automatic scanning software for 16mm, 35mm and cartridge(M) roll film that is optional software on the ScanPro i9500, 3500 and ScanPro 2500 microfilm scanners. It has been on the market for over 8 years and is the desktop scanning software of choice used by libraries, archivist, genealogists, corporations, government agencies and service bureaus around the world. Users of this software report that it is easy to use, offers time saving features not available with any other software and has a track record of reliability. It is reported that hundreds of millions of microfilm images have been scanned using AUTO-Scan software.
AUTO-Scan Pro is the fastest and most accurate desktop scanning software on the market.
The optional AUTO-Scan Pro software uses intelligent algorithms for locating each image, straightening each image, cropping and removing unwanted borders. You can even elect to have each image adjusted for best brightness and contrast before the scan is automatically saved in the file type you have specified. No other scanner on the market can provide these capabilities.
Key Features of AUTO-Scan Pro for ScanPro Microfilm Scanners
- The best in fast and accurate scanning
- Works with positive and negative film
- Scan 16mm/35mm and cartridge(M) film
- Scan in the Forward or Reverse direction
- Scan the entire roll or select number of pages
- Unlimited scans
- Duplex film scanning
- Automatically straighten each image
- Crop and remove borders
- Automatically adjust brightness and contrast
- Select the file type for saving scans (TIFF, multi-page TIFF, multi-page PDF, PDF/A, and all common file types)
- Automatically name each scan
- See each image as it is scanned
- Select the folder for saving your scans
- Create full-text OCR images while scanning
- Scan speeds up to 100 images per minute (requires AUTO-Carrier™ for 100 image per minute scan speed with roll film and/or fiche. Scans roll film 55 IPM with no AUTO-Carrier)

What is the difference between AUTO-Scan and AUTO-Scan Pro?
Standard AUTO-Scan Functionality (included standard on all ScanPro models except 2500 without AUTO-Carrier ): Scans roll film (requires roll film carrier) and fiche (requires AUTO-Carrier)
- Straighten/crop, straighten, set brightness
- TIFF, PDF, all common file types
- Unlimited scans, up to 20 images per minute (IPM) roll film and fiche (forward or reverse)
AUTO-Scan Pro adds Pro functionality listed above.
Try the Demo Version of AUTO-Scan Pro
It is important that you evaluate AUTO-Scan Pro with your own film. Some film is difficult to automatically scan and we want to make sure that you know how AUTO-Scan Pro works with your film before committing to a purchase. Just request a temporary license key from Stars Information Solutions to start your complete evaluation.
There is a no refund policy on AUTO-Scan Pro when you make a purchase so the evaluation step is very important. AUTO-Scan Pro is the fastest and most accurate desktop microfilm scanning software on the market. The AUTO-Scan Pro software uses intelligent algorithms for locating each image, straightening each image, cropping and removing unwanted borders. You can even elect to have each image adjusted for best brightness and contrast before the scan is automatically saved in the file type you have specified. No other scanner on the market can provide these capabilities.
Fill Out the Form Below to Request a Demo License of AUTO-Scan Pro