1-210-222-9124 [email protected]

e-ImageData ScanPro Microfilm Scanners

The Microfilm Scanners of Choice Worldwide

The ScanPro scanners are the micrographic equipment of choice in the world’s most prestigious libraries and corporations. The latest product release, the ScanPro® All-In-One™ microfilm scanner, continues this tradition. It is the only compact desktop scanner in the micrographics industry that is both an easy to use on-demand reader-printer-scanner for all microfilm types as well as a high speed conversion scanner for microfilm and microfiche. The All-In-One scanner is fast, it is accurate and it is affordable.

At Stars Information Solutions we are committed to bringing our customers the latest technologies to make working with microfilm easy, efficient and fun!

ScanPro Patron

Discover the Perfect ScanPro Microfilm Scanner to Meet Your Needs

The ScanPro All-In-One Models

On-Demand, Conversion Scanner for all of your Microforms

ScanPro Standard Models

Budget Friendly Models for On-Demand Research

Request a ScanPro Quote or Demo Today!

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Stars Information Solutions is the exclusive dealer for e-ImageData ScanPro products, service and training in the state of Texas.

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